Why Should I Hire a Fort Lauderdale Attorney?

a Fort Lauderdale Attorney office

Accidents create physical, emotional, and financial burdens for those who are involved and are stressful events no matter where they happen. If you’ve been involved in a car accident in the Fort Lauderdale area, it could be beneficial to consult with a local car accident attorney.  

So, Why Should I Hire a Fort Lauderdale Attorney? Many Reasons

By contacting a local attorney, you can give yourself the best opportunity to focus on your recovery and leave the stress of the accident and claims process to a legal expert. There are several reasons why it is important to contact a local attorney to help you with your car accident claim.  

Attorneys are legal experts in their respective local court systems. For example, any attorney practicing in South Florida is well-versed in Florida law as well as the judicial system. Having an experienced attorney who understands the lay of the land when it comes to working with local judges and court systems could greatly benefit your claim so that you have a strong case 

  1. Because insurance claims and car accident lawsuits are governed by state statutes—even if you live in another state but have an accident while visiting in Fort Lauderdale—it could be beneficial to consult with a Fort Lauderdale attorney. Furthermore, a local attorney will have critical knowledge of the laws and regulations in the specific area where the accident happened. This knowledge can be very important, especially if your car accident claim involves state or local laws.  
  2. A local attorney is familiar with the nearby community and can help connect you with local resources. After a car accident, you may benefit from having help from medical professionals, accident reconstruction specialists, and investigators who have critical experience working in the Fort Lauderdale area. By having local resources, you are in the best position to build a strong case as well as prove liability.    
  3. Fort Lauderdale attorneys are familiar with local insurance policies. If you have been in a car accident in Fort Lauderdale, having a local attorney can help you negotiate with insurance companies so that you can obtain a fair and just settlement.      
  4. Finally, a Fort Lauderdale attorney can be available for in-person meetings. This ensures that you can build an attorney-client relationship as well as trust. By having an attorney who is local and available to meet with you in person, you can rest assured that your case will be handled with attention and care.   

Overall, hiring an attorney is an extremely personal decision. A Fort Lauderdale attorney can advise you about your car accident claim, negotiate with insurance companies, and even pursue legal action against the at-fault party, if necessary. Clayton Trial Lawyers is an elite law firm in South Florida. Our attorneys can protect your rights and make sure valuable evidence is not destroyed. Often, insurance companies want to take statements immediately after an accident; therefore, it is important that you have received legal advice before providing such a statement. Your attorney can advise you on issues ranging from how to make sure you are fully compensated for your vehicle to how to make sure you are getting the best medical treatment available. Contact us today.