Personal Injury

How Long Does it Take for a Personal Injury Case to Settle in Florida?

Car accidents leave victims hurt, in financial and emotional distress, and out of work for days, weeks, months, and in some cases, years. The elite professionals at Clayton Trial Lawyers (“CTL”) understand that car accidents are extremely stressful events, and we work diligently on your behalf to settle your case as efficiently as possible so

Is a Slip and Fall Considered Personal Injury in Florida? Ask the Sip and Fall Lawyers

While we might think of car accidents when we hear about personal injury claims or lawsuits, slip and fall incidents also fall under the umbrella of “personal injury” claims, and if necessary, can result in litigation. Broadly speaking, “personal injury” refers to any bodily injury or harm that an individual has suffered as a result

What Can a Florida Disability Lawyer Do For You?

If you are suffering from a disability in Florida, you’re not alone. About twenty-five percent (25%) of Florida residents have been diagnosed with some form of disability. Many of Florida’s disabled residents face challenges with finding and maintaining a job, navigating government-administrated financial benefits, and taking advantage of insurance claims. You need a Florida disability

How Do Florida Injury & Accident Lawyers Help Settle Your Case?

It’s hard to overstate the effect that an attorney can have on your settlement negotiation for your South Florida accident or injury case. A study by Nolo found that injury victims are almost two times as likely to receive a fair settlement with an at-fault party (or their insurance company) when they are represented by

Personal Injury Attorneys: What Separates The Best From the Rest

With so many options to choose from, the process of finding and hiring the best personal injury attorney near Fort Lauderdale for your South Florida injury case can be confusing and overwhelming. In a separate Clayton Trial Lawyers (“CTL”) blog, we outlined a few ways how you can go about choosing the right lawyer for

Why Should i Hire a Local Car Accident Attorney in Fort Lauderdale

Experiencing a car accident can be one of the most disorienting and stressful events in a person’s life. The aftermath often involves dealing with injuries, vehicle damages, insurance claims, and potentially legal proceedings. For many, knowing when to engage a Fort Lauderdale car accident attorney can make a significant difference in the outcome of these

If a Dog Bites You in Florida, Here’s What to Do First

Dogs are beloved pets, but sometimes, “man’s best friend” causes severe accidents and injuries when they mistake you or someone you know for their dinner. Dog bites can be devastating events that leave victims with lifelong effects. While dog bites can range from moderate to severe to life-threatening, it is critical to follow steps to

How Long Can You Take to File a Negligent Security Case in Florida?

The “statute of limitations” refers to the maximum length of time someone has to sue an individual, business, or other entity for damages or injuries sustained as a result of their conduct. In Florida, personal injury cases that involve negligence (including negligent security cases) the statute of limitations is generally four years from the date

Questions to Ask a Personal Injury Attorney

An accident—especially one that results in an injury—can be an incredibly stressful event. Sometimes, tragically, the result of an accident can be life-changing. While the decision to consider and hire a personal injury attorney to represent you is a highly personal decision, it is important to consider a variety of questions to ensure that you

If I Slip and Fall on a Public Sidewalk, Can I Recover Anything for My Injuries?

Slip and fall accidents can result in moderate to severe injuries. Such injuries may include broken or fractured bones, as well as head injuries. While slip and fall accidents often occur on private property, such as business premises, these accidents can also occur in public areas, such as a sidewalk in Fort Lauderdale, Broward County,