
Fort Lauderdale Car Accidents: What to Do and How a Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help You

Understanding a Fort Lauderdale Car Accident A car accident can leave you in distress which is why you need a Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury Lawyer. You might not know what steps to take after the traumatic event. Because car accidents are so stressful, it is better to know what procedure to follow before it happens.

The Effects of Social Media on a Personal Injury Claim or Lawsuit

Social Media Can be Used to Deny or Reduce Your Claim It is important to not make any admission of fault on social media or discuss the accident at all. Any posts could be used as evidence against you. Even posts that could at first seem disconnected from the accident could be used by opposing

How Can an Intellectual Property Attorney Help Me?

An intellectual property (IP) lawyer can help individuals or businesses protect their intellectual property rights when it comes to both materials and ideas. “intellectual property” is a term used to signal an individual’s or business’s property rights in the creation of the mind, such as literary and artistic works, inventions, designs, images, names, or symbols.


Gun Laws in Florida Gun laws vary by state, and in Florida, there are specific legal requirements surrounding the processes for the purchase, carry, and use of firearms. While it is always best to consult with a local attorney about any legal questions surrounding gun ownership, use, and liability, below is a list of commonly

What Happens in a Personal Injury Lawsut?

There are many times when a personal injury case gets settled before a lawsuit is ever filed. With the help of elite South Florida injury attorneys like those at Clayton Trial Lawyers (“CTL”), your case may never get to court. However, if your case is one that’s ripe for a lawsuit, you should be informed